Slowly I am getting more familiar with Haskell, but there are some things that really irk me. For example, a lot of the point free functions are right to left, instead of left to right. Coming from an F# background this drives me nuts. I want to see what happens first first not last.

For example, if we wanted to do (x+2)+3 in f#

let chained = (+) 2 >> (+) 3  

Compare to haskell:

chained :: Integer -> Integer  
chained = (+3) . (+2)  

In haskell, the +2 is given the argument 3, then that value is given to +3. In f# you work left to right, which I think is more readable.

Anyways, this is an easy problem to solve by defining a cusotm infix operator

(>>>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)  
(>>>) a b = b . a  

Now we can do the same combinations as in F#.

Another thing that bugs me is pipe operator in haskell. I want to be able to pipe using the |> operator left to right (as in subject followed by verb) instead of the way haskell does it with $which is verb followed by subject.

Again, easy fix though

(|>) :: t -> (t -> b) -> b  
(|>) a b = b $ a  

Now we can do 1 |> (+1) and get 2. Fun!